Shaping Our Future will help strengthen our community at St. Peter’s, enable us to welcome new members, enhance our worship and Christian formation, and give us new possibilities for outreach efforts.

This key element of our worship attracts choir members of all ages, prospective members, and Music & Arts events. It is time to build a capable organ that will enhance our worship and last into the future.

Our goal is to brighten up the parish hall, update the bathrooms, paint, add new flooring throughout, renovate the kitchen, and expose our stained glass panels out in the narthex. These projects will give us new possibilities for Christian formation, fellowship, and outreach.

In addition to creating enhanced landscaping around a beautiful, private meditative garden, this area can also provide an outdoor chapel for celebrating many stages of life. It is the first phase in a columbarium project being considered for our future.

To prepare for future needs and unexpected repairs, we must set aside funds, thus ensuring capital is available when it is eventually needed. The stability portion of the campaign addresses the requirement for financial preparedness.