Marcia Hotchkiss

Spiritual Direction & Ignatian Spirituality – April 24, 2022

Marcia Hotchkiss trained at Heart Paths DFW, one of the oldest training programs for spiritual directors in the state of Texas. She has been doing spiritual direction since 2016 both in-person and virtually and participates monthly in a supervision group for spiritual directors. In 2021 Marcia and her husband, Tom, co-founded The Abbey on Lovers Lane, a hallowed space in the heart of Dallas for prayer, silence, and communion with God. She has been a retreat leader and Christian formation teacher in various settings for 30 years. Marcia has recently written on contemplative topics for Covenant Weblog/The Living Church and is the co-author of Hope-Peace-Love-Joy: An Advent Devotional.


Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction by Margaret Guenther
Listening by Anne Long
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard Foster
Armchair Mystic by Mark Thibodeaux, SJ
Learning to Pray by James Martin, SJ
Mindful Silence by Phileena Heuertz
A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer: Discovering the Power of St. Ignatius Loyola’s Examen by Jim Manney – Reimagining the Examen App

Fr. Barry Cotter

Centering Prayer – May 1, 2022

Ordained in 1987 in the Diocese of Ohio, Fr. Barry served parishes in the Diocese of Mississippi and, as Missioner for small church cooperative ministry, in the Diocese of Southern Ohio. After retiring in 2006 and moving to McKinney in 2016, Fr. Barry and his wife Joan were members of the leadership team for The Gathering, an Episcopal Sunday worship service and lunch for street people and marginalized persons in downtown Dallas. They are currently members of the grant writing team for the Community Garden Kitchen in old East McKinney. Fr. Barry has been a practitioner of centering prayer since the 1980s.

Mtr. Barbara Kelton

Praying the Psalms & Lectio Divina – May 8, 2022

Mtr. Barbara is a retired Episcopal priest who served as the Pastoral Assistant at a large parish in Dallas, the Canon Missioner for campus ministry, and the Vicar of a rural East Texas mission. She also taught Pastoral Care and Spiritual Formation at the Anglican School of Theology. She now lives out in the country with her husband, Ed. Mtr. Barbara serves as a volunteer at St. Peter’s, making pastoral visits and helping with worship and teaching–all the things she has loved most in her many wonderful years of ministry.


Praying the Psalms          Listening with Your Life         Lectio Divina

Fr. Ben Bradshaw

The Rosary – May 15, 2022

Fr. Ben Bradshaw SSC, has been the Shrine Priest at the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in the United Kingdom since September 2020. Walsingham is one of the most popular places for pilgrimage in the UK and has been ever since the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in the village in 1061 and requested that a replica of the house where the angel Gabriel appeared to her should be built; thus, making Walsingham for evermore, England’s Nazareth. Fr. Ben currently ministers to the many thousands of pilgrims each year who all make their way on pilgrimage to Walsingham. Prior to his current appointment, Fr. Ben served as the Bishop’s Chaplain on the Isle of Man. Fr. Ben is married to Danielle and they have two daughters, Jorja aged 11 and Bethany aged 4. In his spare time Fr. Ben is a big football (soccer) fan and has also recently signed up to be part of the Church of England priests football team! Fr. Ben enjoys travelling and has made numerous visits to Zimbabwe in Africa. In 2010, Fr. Ben spent time on placement with the Anglican Church in Iraq with one of the highlights being that he was invited to preach at the Sunday service at the American Embassy.

Bishop Sumner

The Daily Office – May 22, 2022

The Rt. Rev. George Sumner was elected as the Seventh bishop for the Diocese of Dallas in 2015. As bishop he oversees the administrative needs throughout our diocese and is chief pastor for more than 31,000 Episcopalians, 200 clergy and 100 congregations. Prior to his election, Sumner served as principal of Wycliffe College in Toronto, Canada. He was the dean of a growing seminary and was the chief administrator. Ordained as an Episcopal priest in western Massachusetts in 1981, Sumner served in a variety of capacities: youth minister, missionary teacher in east Africa, curate in an inner-city Anglo-Catholic parish, vicar on a native American reservation in New Mexico and Arizona, and rector in a small town. Sumner has a Ph.D. in theology from Yale, and has written a book about priestly calling and a commentary on Daniel. He also has a M.Div. from Yale Divinity School and a B.A. from Harvard College. Sumner and his wife, Stephanie, have two adult children.