Hello friends,
The Bishop has issued a pastoral directive that expands our ability to meet in-person with social distancing measures in place. This weekend, St. Peter’s will be offering in-person outdoor services in addition to live-streamed worship!
I recognize that this will be met with varying and strong opinions. For some, this is a step too far. For others, this will be met with joy. And still others believe this is not enough. This decision was reached with much study, advice, and prayer. I know what is at stake, and I do not take this lightly.
Here is the schedule of Communion services for the coming week:

We will initially meet in the small Terrill House parking lot and the adjacent grass. When construction is finished at the church (probably next week), we will move under the big trees in the courtyard. We have tried to space the services out so that we are either meeting in the cool of the morning or the cool of the evening.
I’m sure you have lots of questions. Check out the FAQ below, and if you still have questions, email me.
Because our outdoor space is limited, we are requiring RSVP’s to attend:
I look forward to worshiping with you this weekend in the way that is best for you!
In Christ,
Father Perry Mullins, Rector
Frequently Asked Questions
What is being done to keep us safe during in-person worship?
For the time being, in-person outdoor worship will be limited to 20 families who have signed up in advance. Social distancing will be enforced and participants will be required to wear masks. We will be providing extra masks and hand sanitizer as well on a table near the front.
Does this mean no more online worship?
Online worship is here to stay for the foreseeable future. You can find us on our website or Facebook page every Sunday at 9am, and on our Youtube channel by noon. Those offerings, and the distribution of home communion, will continue.
Will the schedule and plan keep changing?
Yes. This week, we will have five in-person, outdoor offerings. Each week, the schedule will change based on demand, and the sign-up will be found in the Weekly Message. When it is time to meet in the building again, we plan to keep some outdoor services as well for those who feel more comfortable with it. Online worship will remain constant throughout.
Is this in accordance with medical advice?
The bishop’s planning team, which is comprised of competent medical advisors familiar with Episcopal worship, is advising that based on current research, outdoor services with social distancing do not pose a significant risk. Out of an abundance of caution, I have discussed our specific plans with health professionals as well and have been advised that we have taken the necessary steps to minimize risk.
What will the service be like?
It will be our normal service – or as close to it as possible. It will have readings, a short sermon, and Communion. One of the services each week will be rite one, and the weekend evening services will have music.
What will seating be like?
You and those with you will have a designated area for your lawn chairs, stadium seats, or picnic blanket—whatever seating you bring with you.
Can I use chairs from the church?
Unfortunately no. You must bring your own seating.
What else should I bring?
Please bring a bottle of water. You may also want to bring sunscreen, bug spray, or even an umbrella for shade. You may bring your prayer book, hymnal, or Bible, but everything you need will be found in the bulletin or spoken over the sound system.
If it rains, can we go into the church/parish hall?
No. This is expressly forbidden by the bishop. If it is raining, the service is cancelled, and we will email those who have signed up and post on Facebook.
How many can meet at one time?
We have space for twenty families or individuals at once.
How will communion be distributed?
When you arrive, you will pick up a bulletin and Communion from a table near the front. You will receive Communion in your place at the same time the priest does.
Is everyone invited?
Yes! Everyone is welcome at St. Peter’s. You may even invite friends and neighbors! The Bishop and our health officials remind us, however, that there are some people who should not be going out in public often or at all. Older adults and persons with compromised immune systems or pre-existing medical conditions, like heart disease, lung disease, cancer, high blood pressure, or diabetes, are urged to stay home and worship online.
What about children?
Yes! While we will not have childcare available, children are welcome to come with their families as always! We are a church that loves children worshiping with us. Families should be prepared to help them maintain appropriate social distancing.
What about people that do not want to wear masks?
Sorry, no. The directive that allows us to meet outside is very clear: “Congregations can worship outdoors, while keeping to the six-feet and masked rules.” If you attend, you will need to wear a mask and observe the six-foot social distancing rule. Even if you don’t like it, do it for the sake of others. Set a good example, and don’t put our permission to gather outside at risk by not following the bishop’s instructions. We have masks that will be available if you don’t have one to bring with you.
Do I need to sign up?
Yes. Click here to sign up.
But that’s not what I want to do.
Me either, but it’s what we can do safely and within the bishop’s directive. We are doing our best to do things as close to normal as we can while keeping you and us safe.
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