Senior Warden

The Rev. Perry E. Mullins
Fr. Perry Mullins grew up an Episcopalian. During college and afterward, he worked in youth ministry in San Antonio and Austin, and then entered the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest. Fr. Perry loves preaching, teaching, and outreach, and still has a heart for children’s and youth ministries. He was called to be Rector of St. Peter’s in 2017. He is married to Sarah, and they have two children.

The Rev. Katherine Heitmann
Mtr. Katherine Heitmann is the Associate Rector and leads adult studies. After graduating from Yale Divinity School, she served churches around the country in many different roles. She has worked with the youth and a wonderful team of youth ministry volunteers. She also enjoys teaching adults, visiting shut-ins, leading mission trips, and much more. Mtr. Katherine has two children.

The Rev. Betty Breyfogle
Deacon Betty Breyfogle worked for years as a nurse before her ordination. She cares deeply about health, whether physical or spiritual. She was a parishioner at St. Peter’s before her ordination in 2007. Dcn. Betty is responsible for pastoral care and the Education for Ministry program, and she shares in the clergy preaching and teaching responsibilities.

The Rev. Janice Honea
Deacon Janice was ordained to the vocational diaconate in the Diocese of Nebraska in January, 2004, serving at St. Andrew’s Omaha. After relocating to the Diocese of Central Florida, she served for 12 years at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Orlando, focusing on adult formation and pastoral care. Deacon Janice is a graduate of Education for Ministry (EfM) and has mentored groups for many years. At St. Peter’s she works with the children and youth music ministry and organizes the Outreach efforts of the parish.

The Rev. Barbara Kelton
Mtr. Barbara is a retired Episcopal priest who served as the Pastoral Assistant at a large parish in Dallas, the Canon Missioner for campus ministry, and the Vicar of a rural East Texas mission. She also taught Pastoral Care and Spiritual Formation at the Anglican School of Theology. She now lives out in the country with her husband, Ed. Mtr. Barbara will serve as a volunteer at St. Peter’s, making pastoral visits and helping with worship and teaching–all the things she has loved most in her many wonderful years of ministry.
Director of Children and Youth Ministries
Communications Coordinator
Junior Warden