Jesus says he is the vine, we are the branches, and God is the one with the pruning shears. God pruning us sounds painful. I don’t think that pruning is... read more →
When we hear the parable of the Good Shepherd, we immediately identify with the sheep, which is a good thing. After all, Jesus is the shepherd. But we should also... read more →
Saying the word ‘evangelism’ in the Episcopal Church is an easy way to make people uncomfortable, but evangelism isn’t scary. We share all sorts of things with those around us—why... read more →
Frederick Buechner describes faith as “not being sure where you're going, but going anyway.” In times of doubt, we don’t come to a full stop. We continue on. When we... read more →
Each Lent, Episcopalians remove the word ‘Alleluia’ from our worship. At St. Peter's, the kids even make an ‘Alleluia banner’ and bury it in the church yard to be dug... read more →
In John 17, with the Garden of Gethsemane in sight, Jesus offers up a prayer for his apostles and future disciples, the longest prayer recorded in the Gospels. From this... read more →
When we feel alone, the gift of the Holy Spirit fills us with the presence of God. When we don't know what to do, it's the Holy Spirit within us... read more →
There are many things we can put our trust in during this pandemic. Two of my favorites are Clorox and Lysol but at the top of the list should be... read more →
The image of the Good Shepherd teaches us God's love and protection. But when Jesus says he is the gate for the sheep, he is also reminding us that he... read more →
The disciples found Jesus as they traveled the road to Emmaus just as we find him on life's long journey. What journey are you on right now? What is the... read more →