Waiting for something—whether good or bad—can be incredibly difficult. How are we called to wait well as Christians? Second Peter says that while we are waiting for God to act... read more →
We tend to be easily overwhelmed by a constantly negative news cycle and the brokenness we see around us. This Advent is a time for us instead to live in... read more →
Jesus said in Matthew’s Gospel that because of the sin and brokenness of the world, the love of many will grow cold. How do we keep ourselves from emotional and... read more →
When we think about giving, we often think in terms of what we have in excess, like giving away used clothes. The ancient practice of sacrifice was instead about giving... read more →
We stand at the edge of something incredible right now at St. Peter’s. If we look back, we see 141 years of the love of God that has made us... read more →
This was our last week in the story of the Exodus. The people of Israel were changed because they did something simple. They cried out in the wilderness, and God... read more →
The story of the Passover is one that begins and ends with a call to remembrance. It is a story that reminds the people of Israel who they are and... read more →
The story of the Exodus that we are studying for the next four weeks is one of salvation. It is a small example of something much bigger that God is... read more →
Sometimes faith is difficult for us, and we doubt. We worry that our faith might just be in our heads. We are afraid of putting our trust in what we... read more →