I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Halloween. It's easy to forget the Christian background of Halloween - literally the Eve of All Hallows’, or All Saints' Day.... read more →
Sunday was an incredible celebration of our identity as children of God and our mission and ministry! Fr. Lee's sermon reminded us who we are and what we are called... read more →
Trust is difficult for us because of the vulnerability it requires. We work hard to trust individuals in our lives, and to trust God, but what about trusting the church—a... read more →
In a time when there is much anger and division it is tempting to isolate ourselves and insulate our hearts. C. S. Lewis cautions us to choose vulnerability and love... read more →
All through the Old Testament, the Israelites struggled to trust that God would be there for them, but over and over God showed up when they were in need. We... read more →