The Israelites weren’t just promised a land, they were promised a home. Home is where we can be comfortable, where we can be ourselves, where we never have to wear... read more →
The news is often filled with stories of hardship and tragedy. Sometimes suffering hits our own lives. Moses was no stranger to suffering. He was born into it. His life... read more →
When God told Abraham and Sarah to move to Canaan, he wasn’t just promising them a new homeland, he was promising them descendants and a future. God has promised a... read more →
I've been thinking a lot this year about how Lent is a journey. It is a time for personal and spiritual growth. There are a lot of important journeys in... read more →
When the disciples saw in Jesus the full Glory of God on the mountaintop, they didn’t know what to do. They were terrified to be in the presence of the... read more →